Unwinding the Spell of Instagram

Unwinding the Spell of Instagram

Navigating social media as an intuitive I took an indefinite break from social media 25 months ago, according to Instagram. My leaving was prompted by one of my spirit guides. Those are the benevolent deities, nature spirits, ancestors, and other than human kin who I...
The Simple Key to Spirit Work

The Simple Key to Spirit Work

Sometime last fall I trudged into my office where I do most of my work with spirits for myself and for clients. I was exhausted from parenting and grief for the world and I felt numb. I wondered if there was any point in lighting my altar candles and dropping in with...
Tips for Reconnecting with Your Guides

Tips for Reconnecting with Your Guides

A client recently asked me if I had always been weird like this (sensitive to spirits, seeing dead people and so on) or if it was something that could be learned.  Hallelujah! I have been waiting for this question to come in forever and have endless things to say...
Concussion, Death, and Rebirth

Concussion, Death, and Rebirth

When life brings you to your knees, let your tears water the earth. My life felt full before it happened. I had three jobs that I loved – teaching Pilates, working for a meditation organization, and a shamanic healing practice in my sweet home office that looked...