Ancestral Circles

by | Oct 7, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I used to think dead people?… boring! History? barf. Who cares what my ancestors were up to in their lives? Fighting? colonization? No thankyou.

Then I met them and somehow I went from being a kid who couldn’t really care less about a family tree to having conversations with my ancestors, giving them gifts, singing to them, and even going on occasional geneology benders.

Here’s what changed:

  1. I learned that my ancestors are a much larger and more diverse group than the people I have personally known who have died during my life.

  2. Through ritual, spirit-work, and psychic mediumship I experienced ancestors from different times in history. I experienced the oppressed and the oppressors. I got peaks into worldviews that were dizzyingly different than my own, some beautifully so. I tasted wisdom and love from the recently dead and those who lived thousands of years ago.

  3. I stopped judging the recent dead and let them surprise me. Changed lots since you passed? Great! I want to know who you are now! Still kind of grumpy, working out your stuff slowly, and not changing much? OK! No problem. Good luck!

  4. I experienced the joy and support of working WITH them: the signs, the dreams, the feeling of my actual human roots connecting to my body in a life giving way. I started to belong here on earth, and know belonging in my body.

Anyway, I could go on about ancestors forever and I will also never consider myself an expert on them, because really only they know exactly what they are up to on the other side. They are the experts on themselves. I do offer spaces to help people connect with their ancestors, and offering this makes my heart feel huge in my chest. Is it just MY heart feeling so huge or my ancestors giving it some extra juice with their love? I don’t know…and the great thing about benevolent ancestors is that I don’t need to know. We are in harmony, working with love together.

The Circles (Oct 14, Nov 12, Dec 10)

I am honored to offer the next 3 monthly practice circles as ancestral connection circles.

When: Sat Oct 14 ~ 9 am PT, Sun Nov 12 ~ 9 am PT, and Sun Dec 10 ~ 9am PT

Where: zoom

Cost: $20-40 sliding scale

Sign Up Here

What happens: You will receive some prep instructions before we gather to help you set up your own ritual container. We will spend 80-90 minutes together gradually dropping into connection with our ancestors. You will be working directly with your own ancestors and can have as much privacy as you desire. The circle often builds a stronger container for this work than doing it alone. Usually there is some sweet discussion or connection at the end.

You: Magically curious person with a vague sense of your ancestors and wonder if they will speak to you? Perhaps you can access your ancestors in a snap and just need some dedicated practice time to go deep? Both are welcome. If you are in acute greif or psychological crisis though, this isn’t the group for you. I can offer you a referral for some great support that is also ancestrally-aware though.

I want more info

Not sure if this is a match for you? Email me and we can chat. Or you can ask your ancestors for a sign.

A Poem

Thinning Veil by Briana May McLeod

Share Chest Full of Stars

Save The NEW Date

Tending the Writer’s Flame ~ January 12-14, 2023 ~ Victoria, BC

Brooke Arnold-Rochette and I are offering a juicy, in-person weekend dive into writing and ritual. This is not your typical writing workshop. More details are coming soon. Reach out if you want to be the first to know.

I’m Interested!

Toddler Wisdom

I will leave you with a spontaneous offering from my three year old. We were in the forest attempting a hike, but mostly stopping for Lulu to snack. My husband and I were talking about his work, awakening, and meaning making, when our little one interjected…

“Do you know what life means?! Life means that all the trees are connected to each other and their families. That’s what life means.”

Photo by Dave Lastovskiy of the trees on the unceded traditional territory of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation (Tofino BC)




May our connections to each other and our families be well.