Space Clearing
I work with people who want to feel at ease in their homes by shifting the energy of the space and establishing a plan to continue strengthening your relationship with your home and land.

Place Matters
We have all been in a building or on land that felt ‘creepy’ or unsettling. Sometimes we sense that something feels a little off in our own homes – we just can’t seem to land there, there are rooms we always avoid, or we feel a heaviness that keeps us from thriving in our work and lives. Buildings have history. Land has a tremendous amount of history. We often live with the energetic imprints of our shared history, but through seeing, ritual, and repair, the energy of a place can undergo healing and shift into wellness.
How I Work
My space clearing work involves assisting the deceased and other forms of ritual and clearing to help you feel at ease in your home or office. I usually work by distance, though occasionally I will visit a property. My work has two parts: I start the process of uplifting the area, doing some of the more in-depth repair and clearing work, then you keep it going. To do this, we will discover what you can do that feels authentic and realistic for you to continue strengthening your relationship with the land and space you are inhabiting.
“I have known Rayann for several years, during which time I have come to know her grounded and caring nature. Recently I was lucky to experience Rayann’s ability to bring that energy to her work in clearing my home. Since our session, my space has quickly and drastically shifted in the direction I was hoping for. Instead of feelings of stagnation, discontent, and invasion, the space now feels like a respite free from the old energies that once affected it. Rayann also provided me with specific methods to continue to tend the space moving forward. These insights have been essential to building a better relationship with my home. If you’re having any troubles with your living space, I am sure that Rayann will have the tools to remedy the root problem.”
— Christina, Massage Therapist
Schedule a Session
Contact me to book a space clearing session.
$185 per session